Legends of Manerba.

Manerba is a land of legends and mythological stories handed down for centuries. Its name comes from Minerva: Goddess symbol of wisdom, fair battles, intelligence and useful arts.

"According to some experts Manerba was founded in devotion to the Goddess Minerva..."

When the Longobards invaded Italy, Brescia was burnt, and the Lord of the city, Marco Nanio, and his son Antonio were suddently jailed. Vitolfo’s daughter, king of the Longobards, fell in love with Antonio and married him secretly.

Vitolfo became furious when he discovered it and he ordered Vitilde to be banished to the Island of Garda and young Antonio to be locked up in the dungeons of the Rocca of Manerba. A few years later, Antonio managed to escape, in a stormy night, and he was shipwrecked on the of Island of Garda, where he could meet again his beloved Vitilde.

As a precaution, the young man, decided to remain a long time hiddenin the caves of Island. During stormy nights he happened to save several fishermen, who started to love and respect him as a saint and called him the island hermit.

Legend says that on the cliffs of Manerba there once lived a fierce wolf in a cave high up above the lake that prevented people from going anywhere near the area. After several unfruitfull attempts to chase the beast away so that tourists could return to this enchanted place, the lords of the lake villages offereda big reward on the wolf’s head.

Out of the boldest young men, who presented themselves, three were selected: one from Moniga, one from Raffa and one from the old part of Pieve. The three set off, without revealing the method they intended to use to capture the wolf. Neither the young man from Moniga, who attempted to draw the wolf out with some live bait, nor the one from Raffa who hoped to capture the animal with a large net and they both fell off the edge of the cliff. The young man from Pieve acted more craftily. Hiding himself in a bush, he howled like a wolf and drew the animal out of the cave.

When the wolf punched on the bush, the young man jumped out fearlessly and brandshining a cross which he held up to it and ordered it to retreat, the wolf stepped powerless backwards and fell off the cliff. While the winner was toasted and honoured by the inhabitants all of Manerba. A cross was erected on the Rocca in remembrance of the bolts hero whose name is Tosello, according to the story.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Leutelmonte, who was born at Esine in Vallecamonica, ruled over all Valtenesi from the Rocca. He had taken possession of it and made it his own domain. The people who considered him as their lord, paid him taxes and were ruled by him, so much that the neighbouring feudal lords preferred to have him as a friend rather than an enemy. In fact, he had been a terrible murderer who spread terror wherever he went.

One day he freed Engarda, daughter of Ardiccio degli Aimoni, the lord of Brescia, from the lord of Breno who had held her prisoner. He took her with to his castle on the Rocca of Manerba, thus earning the gratitude of Ardiccio. The inhabitants of Valtenesi considered him as a hero. He rarely left his castle – when he did, he was along the lonely beach or take his boat out on the lake. He appeared to be a tough, proud lord but noble and generous.

Until one day, in the turmoil of the feudal struggles among the Valvasors, in a thick web of intrigue and deception, he was persuaded to take arms against the city of Brescia, he rounded up about 7000 men and, whit his friends Giraldo and Mazzucco, marched towards the city to conquer it. But when his army reached the defensive wall of the city he was defeated by Ardiccio’s troups and died in battle. The passions, suffering and adventures of this legendary charachter inspired Lorenzo Erculiani to write two historical novels : “ The Brescia Valvasors” and “Leutelmonte”.

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